Saturday, May 7, 2016

Paul Chaplo Presents "Marfa Flights" at West Texas Historical Association in Abilene!

Dr. Glen Ely (right) and Paul Chaplo at WTHA 2016
It was a pleasure to present to an overflow audience at WTHA Annual Conference 2016 thanks to our popular session titled "Trails and Roads Across Texas." We were honored to have our session chaired by Glen Ely.

My co-presenters Sylvia Mahoney and Barbara Brannon shared information-packed exciting papers about famous Texas trails and roads. Then I shared aerial photographs and historical information about the scenes from Marfa Flights: Aerial Views of Big Bend Country my book published by Texas A&M University Press.

WTHA provided a unique opportunity to sit down and talk with Glen Ely the author of “The Texas Frontier and the Butterfield Overland Mail, 1858–1861" (University of Oklahoma Press). Glen spent 25 years researching the stagecoach trail and locating tracks, ruins, and artifacts in the field. Here we are looking at topographic maps on my iPad and scoping-out the old stagecoach trail in the area of my upcoming new book Amarillo Flights: Aerial Views of Llano Estacado Country to be published by Texas A&M University Press. I can't wait to see what old tracks may be visible from the air! More soon...

The book
Marfa Flights: Aerial Views of Big Bend Country is available from TAMU Press:,7882.aspx

and Amazon: